Mouth Watering Recipes

Masala Potato (Bateta)
- 5 medium Boiled Potatoes (peel & cube after boiling)
- 4 tbsp. cooking oil
- ½ tsp salt to taste
- 1 ½ tsp mustard seed
- 3-6 curry leaves
- 1 tbsp. Dhana Jira Powder (Coriander and Cumin Powder)
- 2 tbsp. paprika
- 1 tsp Turmeric Powder
- 4 tsp AKI's Garlic Paste
- ½ tsp AKI's Green Chilli Chutney
- ½ tsp AKI's Coriander Chutney
- 2 tbsp. Tomato paste and or 2 tbsp. crushed tomatoes, (if you do not like tomatoes you can omit them)
- Juice of 1 fresh lemon
- 1 cup water
Heat oil, add mustard seeds to splatter, add curry leaves, and other spices. Add AKI's Green Chilli, AKI's Garlic Paste, lemon juice, tomato paste and/or crushed tomatoes and sauté. Cook on low heat to avoid burning the spices. Add potatoes & stir occasionally

Tanzanian Coleslaw (Kachumbari)
- 2 cups of Shredded Cabbage
- 1 Onion chopped finely (optional)
- 1 medium size tomato (optional)
- 2 Tbsp. salt
- 6-10 Tbsp. AKI's Tamarind Chutney
Mix cabbage, onion, and salt with your hands. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes and rinse the salt water out by adding water and draining. Add AKI's Tamarind Chutney, mix well, & enjoy

Tanzanian style Chicken and Beef Mishkaki & Shish Kabobs
- 3 lb. beef or Chicken cubed.
- 6 Tbsp. AKI's Zanzibar Spice BBQ Marinade
- 1 Tsp. salt
- 1 Tsp. black pepper
- 1 Fresh lemon Juice
- 2 Tbsp. cooking oil
Mix all ingredients well, marinade the meat for ½-1 hour. Skew and BBQ or cook in the oven or on a skillet. Cook on slow heat so you do not burn the spices. Baste the meat while cooking with remaining marinade juices

Spicy Variation:
- 1 tablespoon of AKI's Red Hot Jamaican (or more to your liking)
- 4 Tbsp. AKI's Zanzibar Spice BBQ Marinade
Use AKI's Tamarind Chutney as a dipping sauce and enjoy!
The same recipe can be substituted for chicken or fish kabobs...

Red hot Chicken Wings
Made in minutes..
- 1 lb. Chicken wings, cleaned, dried
- ½ cup AKI’s Jamaican Red Hot Chutney
Mix above ingredients. Oven bake while covered for 20 minutes. Uncover, bake for another 15 minutes until crispy. Add more sauce, shake and serve hot

Vegetable Dips
- 1 Tbsp. AKI'S Mint Chutney
- 1 Tbsp. AKI'S Garlic Paste
- 1 cup Light Sour cream (to give it an extra zip add 1 tbsp. mayonnaise)

BBQ or Oven Grilled Chicken, Steaks, and Fish
- 1 lb. chicken or Steaks
- 1 TSP AKI'S Garlic Paste
- 1 Tsp AKI'S Ginger Paste
- 3 Tsp AKI's Mango Chutney
- Salt to taste
Remaining sauce can be used for basting
Substitute with fish, shrimps, & lobster

Coriander Bread
- 2 Tbsp. AKI'S Coriander Chutney
- 2 Tbsp. Margarine
- 1 Loaf of sliced Bread
- ½ lb. Grated Cheese
Mix the above ingredients. Spread evenly on bread slices, top with cheese, oven grill for 15 mins. Serve hot...
Garlic Bread
Same steps as above. Substitute AKI'S Coriander Chutney with AKI'S Garlic Paste

How to use
AKI's condiments are made of natural ingredients with no fat added; they will enhance flavors to any cuisine.
- Spices Curries, soups & casseroles
- Marinate BBQS and grilled veggies
- Sauté mushrooms, onions, stir-fry vegetables
- Serves as an excellent topping to steaks & baked potatoes
- Spread on sandwiches & bagels
- Great on breakfast meals, scrambled eggs, omelets
- Create delicious condiments dips & low fat
- Salad dressings when added to yogurt, dips, sour cream & more...